Because There Can Be More To The Good Life, A Higher Level, A More Abundant Life -
From Mere Wealth To Prosperity
Wealth preserving economic insights make living the best of the good life prudent wealth management

YES Yacht Executive Solutions not only serves the long term interests of yacht owners, but their financial advisors and yacht brokers as well.
YES Yachting provides substantially superior alternatives to the various forms of fractional yacht ownership being offered today.
Build the Yacht of Your Dreams in a way that is Net Worth Neutral
Yacht Entertainment Studios offers opportunities in film and television for yachts and yacht owners in which they may participate and profit.
Owning a yacht should have no adverse impact upon your net worth. Done properly, yacht ownership can be financially & personally rewarding.
Are there any ways to help current yacht owners recover the investment from their existing yacht situations? YES
Follow YES
Affordable Yacht Ownership
Net Worth Neutral Yacht Ownership. Profitable Yacht Ownership.
To see change requires a sea change in your thinking. A new vision. A new course of action.
It’s pretty foolish for anyone to think they have all the answers. But, perhaps more so to proceed without a plan. To go which ever way the wind blows or to just drift along.
Economically speaking, considering the price of buying a yacht, the operational expenses of yacht ownership and the costs of the yachting lifestyle, where do you plan to be in the future?
Do you have any destination in mind?
Do you know where you want to go, when you would like to arrive, and how?
In your financial plan for your yacht, is it an investment that increases your net worth or just an extravagant lifestyle expense.
Any ideas how to cut the costs yacht ownership - or recover all of your yachting lifestyle expenses?
Do you have a plan to defray the costs of yacht ownership? Is yacht charter the extent of your strategy?
How is your plan working out for you?
Any strategies to actually make a profit from yacht ownership?
What is your current course of action? Are you on the proper course?
If not, are you able to set a new course?
Do you want to take the slow scenic route or the quickest path possible?
Regardless of your financial objectives for your yacht, let us map out a course for you to achieve your goals and on your terms.
There are almost as many possible options as how to reach your objectives as there are possible destinations.
We are only to provide a small sample of just a few of the options we may want to consider. The really good stuff is obviously proprietary and reserved for clients and partners.
That if your current advisors knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?